Megaman 8 bit deathmatch

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But while the Metool Daddy's landing tremors have a bit of a cooldown after landing, he can cause a tremor with every single step he takes. Like with the Metool Daddy above, he can cause tremors which damage your character.Let us count all the myriad ways this boss is difficult. Then there's Gamma, who, while a Final Boss (at least until v3), is incredibly difficult to defeat without the use of cheats.He's a 3D hitbox represented by a 2D sprite, and the sprite is in the center of the hitbox, so when he jumps at you, he's closer to you than he appears! While the post-v5B version is more tame, it's a Sequential Boss that comes after the Cossack Catcher, which can wear you down beforehand. Scared yet? But then, there's his nasty ability to jump and instantly crush the player, and not even God Mode protects you from said crushing attack. He has tons of HP, is only vulnerable for short periods of time, and can summon lesser Metools to help him. Ladies and gentlemen, I present you the easiest boss in the game, the Metool Daddy.It's optional and you know it's overpowered, nothing prevents you from not fighting it. NOTE: Bonus Bosses are banned from being That One Boss. Just be glad you won't have to face these monstrosities while playing online. The Mega Man classic series is no stranger to soul-crushingly difficult bosses, and the single player campaign in Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch is no exception.